*** Please note the updated meeting date and location below ***
The Manitoba UNIX User Group (MUUG) will be holding its next monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 21 (i.e TONIGHT). The meeting topic for this month is as follows:
Daemon-Dash: vsftpd
Wyatt Zacharias will present VSFTPD - the very secure FTP daemon. VSFTPD supports FTP and FTPS protocols, and boasts being one of the fastest and most secure FTP daemons available. Wyatt will demo running the daemon with both anonymous and authenticated modes, chroots, whitelists, and more.
RTFM: Fixing drive sector SMART errors
Ruh roh! Device: /dev/sdb [SAT], 5 Offline uncorrectable sectors. 7 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors. Those just flashed across your console. Is your hard drive dying? Panic time? Not so fast: Trevor Cordes will show you how to gracefully repair such errors, allowing you to delay or obviate RMAs or replacement drive purchases.
The group usually holds its meetings at 7:30pm on the second Tuesday of every month from September to June. (There are no meetings in July and August.) Meetings are open to the general public; you don't have to be a MUUG member to attend.
****************************************************************** Please note our *NEW* meeting location for this month: *Room 1L11* Lockhart Hall, University of Winnipeg, entrance on Ellice Ave. between Spence St. and Balmoral St.
Parking is available on the surrounding streets and in the lots on nearby streets. Look for signage once you're at the building, or ask a security guard. ******************************************************************
For more information about MUUG, and its monthly meetings, check out their web server:
Help us promote this month's meeting, by putting this poster up on your workplace bulletin board or other suitable public message board: