The Manitoba UNIX User Group (MUUG) will be holding its next monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 10. The meeting topic for this month is as follows:
Topic Duo: Linux mdadm and LDAP
In this day of 3 TB disk drives, it might have occurred to you that not having to restore the whole disk from backup if it fails would be wonderful. RAID can help you with that eventuality! Just buy another $140 3 TB drive and then, um... what? Kevin McGregor will cover the basics of RAID and the practice of creating and managing software RAID arrays in Linux.
Rob Keizer will also be providing a mini-topic for tonight's meeting: The basics of LDAP. Rob will provide an overview of what LDAP is, what it does, and why it is used. Emphasis will be on applications of LDAP, and will include a basic demo of setting up and using LDAP with PAM.
Before the break, Mike Pfaiffer will present an RTFM topic on navigating directories with the cd, pushd and popd commands, which are built in to the bash(1) and tcsh(1) shells.
The group holds its general meetings at 7:30pm on the second Tuesday of every month from September to June. (There are no meetings in July and August.) Meetings are open to the general public; you don't have to be a MUUG member to attend.
********************************************************************** Please note our meeting location: The IBM offices, at 400 Ellice Ave. (between Edmonton and Kennedy). When you arrive, you will have to sign in at the reception desk, and then wait for someone to take you (in groups) to the meeting room. Please try to arrive by about 7:15pm, so the meeting can start promptly at 7:30pm. Don't be late, or you may not get in. (But don't come too early either, since security may not be there to let you in before 7:15 or so.) Non-members may be required to show photo ID at the security desk.
Limited parking is available for free on the street, either on Ellice Ave. or on some of the intersecting streets. Indoor parking is also available nearby, at Portage Place, for $5.00 for the evening. Bicycle parking is available in a bike rack under video surveillance located behind the building on Webb Place. **********************************************************************
For more information about MUUG, and its monthly meetings, check out their Web server:
Help us promote this month's meeting, by putting this poster up on your workplace bulletin board or other suitable public message board: