Hear ye, hear ye!
This is the FINAL CALL for nominees to participate in the election for the MUUG board. Those elected will serve from November 2011 until October 2012. The deadline to nominate yourself, or someone else, is October 25, 2011. Instructions follow.
The MUUG board is charged with coordinating the meetings and other events by the group. It's fun, and you get a role in guiding the group. All are encouraged to apply.
MUUG Board Elections - Call for Nominations
Every year, in the fall, the Manitoba Unix User Group holds its Annual Meeting, the main goals of which are to elect a new Board of Directors and to pass any special resolutions. (Aside from that, it is a regular meeting.) Any MUUG member in good standing can be nominated to run for a position on the Board.
As of this writing, the following MUUG members have let their names stand for election or re-election:
Sean Cody Consultant TinFoilHat Trevor Cordes Owner/Operator Tecnopolis Enterprises Gilbert Detillieux Systems Analyst University of Manitoba Michael Doob Professor University of Manitoba Robert Keizer System Administrator Thinkbox Software Inc. Katherine Scrupa Info Systems Desk Tech St. John's Ravenscourt Doug Shewfelt Systems Specialist City of Winnipeg Adam Thompson Consultant athompso.net Brad Vokey Owner Fortress Software Inc.
Of course, this list is just a starting point. Any member in good standing of the group can be nominated simply by getting the support of one other member. If you feel you would like to contribute to the group by running for a board position, please don't hesitate to do so. (In fact, we'd like to see the number of board members increase to 10.)
If you want to be nominated, or to nominate someone else, send a letter to the group's postal box or deliver it in person to a current board member. The letter must contain the name, title, and employer of the nominee, along with a short (100 word or so) biography, and must contain the signatures of the nominee and one other member. The letter must be received no later than October 25, 2011, which is 14 days prior to the November 8 meeting.
Although the by-laws require that the nominations be done in writing, with signatures, you can speed up the process by sending e-mail to election@muug.mb.ca, with the above information, and sending the signed paper copy later. In this case, please include the e-mail address of both the nominee and the supporter on the CC: list of the message, so that all parties concerned have a record of the communication.
Nominees should familiarize themselves with the MUUG bylaws, found here:
If you have any questions about the election or the nomination process, please contact Gilbert Detillieux, either by phone (474-8161) during business hours, or by e-mail to election@muug.mb.ca anytime.
Gilbert Detillieux Election Committee Chair