Hear ye, hear ye!
This is a call for nominees to participate in the election for the MUUG board. Those elected will serve from October 2003 until October 2004. The deadline to nominate yourself, or someone else, is September 23, 2003. Instructions follow.
The MUUG board is charged with coordinating the meetings and other events by the group. It's fun, and you get a role in guiding the group. All are encouraged to apply.
MUUG Board Elections - Call for Nominations
Every October the Manitoba Unix User Group holds its Annual Meeting, the main goals of which are to elect a new Board of Directors and to pass any special resolutions. (Aside from that, it is a regular meeting) Any member in good standing can be nominated to run for a position.
As of this writing, the following members of the current Board have let their names stand for re-election:
Gilbert Detillieux Kevin McGregor Doug Shewfelt
To put your name on the list, do the following:
1. Ensure your membership is in good standing (ie do you have to renew?) 2. Find another member willing to second your nomination 3. Email your nomination to election@muug.mb.ca, with a CC to your seconder 4. Get your seconder to send an email to election@muug.mb.ca indicating their support for your nomination
It is important to include the following information in your nomination: Name, Title, Employer/Occupation, short (100 word) biography. Without this information, we can't put together the list of nominees to give to the rest of the members, can we?
In the event the number of nominees is fewer than the number of vacant positions, all will be accepted by acclamation. If there are more, decision will be made by secret ballot at the Annual Meeting.
Nominees should familiarize themselves with the MUUG bylaws, found at http://www.muug.mb.ca/pub/bylaws/. Any questions about the election or the nomination process can be directed to Sean Walberg at the election@muub.mb.ca mailbox, or by phone at 975-5987 during business hours.
Again, the deadline for nominations is September 23, 2003, with the election being held at the October 7th meeting.
Good luck to all,
Sean Walberg