A reminder that the MUUG online meeting will be on Jitsi this evening...
The Manitoba UNIX User Group (MUUG) will be holding its next monthly
meeting online, on Tuesday, September 8th, at 7:30pm:
AWS Quickstart
For the new user, the multitude of AWS services and configurations
can be daunting. Wyatt Zacharias will show how to start an AWS
account from scratch, including how to properly set up your user
credentials, and how to get a VM up and running for the first
RTFM: fd(1) - a simple, fast, user-friendly alternative to find(1)
Most Linux users are all too familiar with the find command and
its frustrating syntax. This month, Brad Vokey will show us an
alternative to the find command, called fd.
Some of the features of fd: convenient syntax: fd PATTERN instead
of find -iname '*PATTERN*', colourized terminal output, it's
fast!, uses smart case by default, ignores hidden directories and
files by default, ignores patterns from your .gitignore by
default, uses proper PCRE, and the command name is 50% shorter
than find. :-)
Door Prizes
On top of the usual assortment of e-books on offer this month,
we'll have a hard copy of the O'Reilly book "Unicode Explained"
as a door prize. The book will be available for pick-up, drop-off,
or snail-mailing.
Join the meeting: https://jitsi.merlin.mb.ca/muug.2020.09
The group holds its meetings at 7:30pm on the second Tuesday of every
month from September to June. (There are no meetings in July and
August.) Meetings are open to the general public; you don't have to be a
MUUG member to attend.
For more information about MUUG, and its monthly meetings, check out
their web server:
Help us promote this month's meeting, by putting this poster up on your
workplace bulletin board or other suitable public message board, or
linking to it on social media:
Manitoba UNIX User Group E-mail: <gedetil(a)muug.ca>
c/o Gilbert E. Detillieux Web: http://muug.ca/
University of Manitoba Phone: (204)474-8161
Winnipeg MB CANADA R3T 2N2 Fax: (204)474-7609
The Manitoba UNIX User Group (MUUG) will be holding its next monthly
meeting online, on Tuesday, September 8th, at 7:30pm:
AWS Quickstart
For the new user, the multitude of AWS services and configurations
can be daunting. Wyatt Zacharias will show how to start an AWS
account from scratch, including how to properly set up your user
credentials, and how to get a VM up and running for the first
RTFM: fd(1) - a simple, fast, user-friendly alternative to find(1)
Most Linux users are all too familiar with the find command and
its frustrating syntax. This month, Brad Vokey will show us an
alternative to the find command, called fd.
Some of the features of fd: convenient syntax: fd PATTERN instead
of find -iname '*PATTERN*', colourized terminal output, it's
fast!, uses smart case by default, ignores hidden directories and
files by default, ignores patterns from your .gitignore by
default, uses proper PCRE, and the command name is 50% shorter
than find. :-)
Door Prizes
On top of the usual assortment of e-books on offer this month,
we'll have a hard copy of the O'Reilly book "Unicode Explained"
as a door prize. The book will be available for pick-up, drop-off,
or snail-mailing.
Join the meeting: https://jitsi.merlin.mb.ca/muug.2020.09
The group holds its meetings at 7:30pm on the second Tuesday of every
month from September to June. (There are no meetings in July and
August.) Meetings are open to the general public; you don't have to be a
MUUG member to attend.
For more information about MUUG, and its monthly meetings, check out
their web server:
Help us promote this month's meeting, by putting this poster up on your
workplace bulletin board or other suitable public message board, or
linking to it on social media:
Manitoba UNIX User Group E-mail: <gedetil(a)muug.ca>
c/o Gilbert E. Detillieux Web: http://muug.ca/
University of Manitoba Phone: (204)474-8161
Winnipeg MB CANADA R3T 2N2 Fax: (204)474-7609