Hear ye, hear ye!
This is the FINAL CALL for nominees to participate in the election for
the MUUG board. Those elected will serve from October 2005 until October
2006. The deadline to nominate yourself, or someone else, is September 27,
2005. Instructions follow.
The MUUG board is charged with coordinating the meetings and other
events by the group. It's fun, and you get a role in guiding the
group. All are encouraged to apply.
MUUG Board Elections - Call for Nominations
Every October the Manitoba Unix User Group holds its Annual Meeting, the
main goals of which are to elect a new Board of Directors and to pass
any special resolutions. (Aside from that, it is a regular meeting)
Any member in good standing can be nominated to run for a position.
As of this writing, the following members of the current Board have let
their names stand for re-election:
Gilbert Detillieux Systems Analyst University of Manitoba
Kevin McGregor Systems Specialist City of Winnipeg
Doug Shewfelt Systems Specialist City of Winnipeg
Adam Thompson Consultant athompso.net
Shawn Walbridge System Administrator Frantic Films
Of course, this list is just a starting point. Any member in good
standing of the group can be nominated simply by getting the support of
one other member. If you feel you would like to contribute to the group
by running for a board position, please don't hesitate to do so. (In
fact, we'd like to see the number of board members increase.)
If you want to be nominated, or to nominate someone else, send a letter
to the group's postal box or deliver it in person to a current board
member. The letter must contain the name, title, and employer of the
nominee, along with a short (100 word or so) biography, and must contain
the signatures of the nominee and one other member. The letter must be
received no later than September 27, 2005, which is 14 days prior to the
October 11 meeting.
Although the by-laws require that the nominations be done in writing,
with signatures, you can speed up the process by sending us e-mail
to <election(a)muug.mb.ca>, with the above information, and sending the
signed paper copy later. In this case, please include the e-mail
address of both the nominee and the supporter on the CC: list of the
message, so that all parties concerned have a record of the communication.
Nominees should familiarize themselves with the MUUG bylaws, found here:
If you have any questions about the election or the nomination process,
please contact Gilbert Detillieux, either by phone (474-8161) during
business hours, or by e-mail to <election(a)muug.mb.ca> anytime.
Gilbert Detillieux
Election Committee Chair
Gilbert E. Detillieux E-mail: <gedetil(a)muug.mb.ca>
Manitoba UNIX User Group Web: http://www.muug.mb.ca/
PO Box 130 St-Boniface Phone: (204)474-8161
Winnipeg MB CANADA R2H 3B4 Fax: (204)474-7609
On September 13, 2005 12:52 pm, Colin Stanners wrote this amazing epistle:
> > > http://lists.debian.org/debian-sparc/2003/10/msg00236.html
> >
> > Didn't find this one. I knew they had one but didn't find a reference to
> > it. I take it dd should work with this one?
> Found it in my first 10 results ;-) dd should work, yes.
Interesting. I usually come up with commercial pages as well as social
commentary. Maybe it's the aura I project. I can mess with Google for hours
only to have someone else sit down and find what I was looking for in
seconds. :-)
I tried dd. No joy. It said it couldn't find anything on the floppy. I may
have entered it wrong. It should be "dd if=root.bin of=/dev/fd0" correct?
BTW, Linux says something is there but it doesn't know what.
|Call-A.P.P.L.E. and the Digital Civilization http://www.callapple.org |
| http://members.shaw.ca/pfaiffer = Mike Pfaiffer (B.A., B.Sc.) |
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On September 12, 2005 10:46 pm, Colin Stanners wrote this amazing epistle:
> Have you tried a bit of google searching?
Three hours worth. (Add appropriate sound effects of grumbling here).
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-sparc/2003/10/msg00236.html
Didn't find this one. I knew they had one but didn't find a reference to it.
I take it dd should work with this one?
|Call-A.P.P.L.E. and the Digital Civilization http://www.callapple.org |
| http://members.shaw.ca/pfaiffer = Mike Pfaiffer (B.A., B.Sc.) |
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unfortunately, I can't make the meeting tomorrow :-( ...
gis is an interesting field ...
I recall reviewing a pretty good summary (for the time) about 4 months
ago regarding some of the open source gis toolsets/data avilable ...
here's the link:
Does anybody have a Sparc boot disk they can lend me? I'll be at Tuesdays
meeting. All I have to do is edit a single file then I should be able to
login. Again, the famous 30 seconds of work. ;-)
The machine doesn't have enough RAM to boot Solaris 10 (needs 256MB). I
didn't find much on Solaris 9 (probably looking in the wrong places again).
Anything earlier is apparently covered by a commercial license. The RAM will
be brought up to what is needed if I can't get it running as it is. That's
plan "B". I'll do it eventually anyhow. Judging from what's on the net, a
Linux rescue disk (again for Sparc) should do as well. Not bad for plan "C".
Thanks in advance...
|Call-A.P.P.L.E. and the Digital Civilization http://www.callapple.org |
| http://members.shaw.ca/pfaiffer = Mike Pfaiffer (B.A., B.Sc.) |
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[Posted to man.unix.general and other news groups]
------ Forwarded Article <dfkgcb$de0$1(a)canopus.cc.umanitoba.ca>
------ From gedetil(a)cs.umanitoba.ca (Gilbert E. Detillieux)
The Manitoba UNIX User Group (MUUG) will be holding its next monthly
meeting on Tuesday, September 13. The meeting topic for this month is
as follows:
GPS & Mapping with Open Source tools
If you have ever been lost (and who hasn't), you will know just how
important it is to know exactly where you are. With a handy little GPS
unit, you can know exactly where you are in the world down to a few
meters at the push of a button.
Shawn Wallbridge will show various tools you can use with (or without)
a GPS unit. He will cover various desktop mapping software as well as
web based mapping applications.
The group holds its general meetings at 7:30pm on the second Tuesday of
every month from September to June. (There are no meetings in July and
August.) Meetings are open to the general public; you don't have to be a
MUUG member to attend.
Please note our meeting location: The IBM offices, at 400 Ellice Ave.
(between Edmonton and Kennedy). When you arrive, you will have to
sign in at the reception desk, and then wait for someone to take you
(in groups) to the meeting room. Please try to arrive by about 7:15pm,
so the meeting can start promptly at 7:30pm. Don't be late, or you may
not get in. (But don't come too early either, since security may not
be there to let you in before 7:15 or so.)
Limited parking is available for free on the street, or in a lot
across Ellice from IBM, for $1.00 for the evening. Indoor parking is
also available nearby, at Portage Place, for $2.00 for the evening.
For more information about MUUG, and its monthly meetings, check out their
Web server:
Also note that MUUG maintains two mailing lists, called "muug-announce"
and "roundtable". If you're not already on these lists, we encourage you
to subscribe now:
The "muug-announce" list is used for monthly meeting announcements (such
as this one) as well as other important announcements of interest to MUUG
The "rountable" list is meant to be a forum for follow-ups to topics
discussed at the meetings, or for round-table-style discussion on other
topics that come up between meetings. Of course, for this to be effective,
we need to reach a certain critical mass. So, please subscribe, and stay
Gilbert E. Detillieux E-mail: <gedetil(a)muug.mb.ca>
Manitoba UNIX User Group Web: http://www.muug.mb.ca/
P.O. Box 130, St-Boniface Phone: (204)474-8161
Winnipeg, MB, CANADA R2H 3B4 Fax: (204)474-7609
------ End of Forwarded Article
On September 5, 2005 03:14 pm, Sean A. Walberg wrote this amazing epistle:
> I'll let you know. The monitor is a bit on the bulky and heavy side,
> not something you want to be taking on the bus.
I have a bad back too. Prolonged lifting is not in the books.
> I can't make it out
> your way for a couple of days to drop it off, either. If I can't find
> someone to pick it up, I'll call you later off in the week to arrange
> for me to drop it off at your place.
I just got a call from a friend. I *may* have transportation later this
afternoon. He has an SUV so there should be lots of room. I'll send another
e-mail if things work out on this end...
> Sean
> On Mon, 2005-09-05 at 14:46, Mike Pfaiffer wrote:
> > On September 5, 2005 02:01 pm, Sean A. Walberg wrote these words of
> > > Free to a good home. I'm in the Riverheights area.
> > >
> > > Sean
> >
> > If nobody else wants it I can always use it. Worst case is I set it up
> > to connect to the net through the LAN. Unfortunately I'm not very mobile
> > (Transit Tom is on the Sunday schedule and doesn't go from here to there
> > in less than two hours). I'm down Bishop Grandin and across Fermor in
> > Windsor Park. I can buy you a Slurpee later this afternoon if it works
> > out.
> >
> > Later
> > Mike
> >
> > > I've got a SPARC 10 I'd like to get rid of since I don't use it.
> > > Haven't turned it on in a while, but from memory, the specs are:
> > >
> > > SPARC 10, one processor (I think it's either the 75 or 110 MHz one),
> > > ISDN
> > > S/T interface
> > > 160MB of RAM
> > > 19" or 20" single sync monitor (awesome monitor, I have a PC adaptor
> > > for it but couldn't get the frequency working on my PC)
> > > The video card is upgraded, it's a Creator something or other
> > > Fast scsi card (in addition to the internal bus)
> > > 2 or 3 SCSI hard drives, around 4GB in total
> > > External CDROM w/ enclosure
> > > External HDD enclosure (2 or 3 bays)
> > > Keyboard, optical mouse + pad
> > > Cables
> > >
> > > I think it was last running Linux, but it also runs Solaris.
|Call-A.P.P.L.E. and the Digital Civilization http://www.callapple.org |
| http://members.shaw.ca/pfaiffer = Mike Pfaiffer (B.A., B.Sc.) |
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Free to a good home. I'm in the Riverheights area.
I've got a SPARC 10 I'd like to get rid of since I don't use it.
Haven't turned it on in a while, but from memory, the specs are:
SPARC 10, one processor (I think it's either the 75 or 110 MHz one),
S/T interface
160MB of RAM
19" or 20" single sync monitor (awesome monitor, I have a PC adaptor for
it but couldn't get the frequency working on my PC)
The video card is upgraded, it's a Creator something or other
Fast scsi card (in addition to the internal bus)
2 or 3 SCSI hard drives, around 4GB in total
External CDROM w/ enclosure
External HDD enclosure (2 or 3 bays)
Keyboard, optical mouse + pad
I think it was last running Linux, but it also runs Solaris.
Sean A. Walberg <sean(a)ertw.com> http://www.ertw.com
It's a GPLed version of Virtuozzo, by the same guys that make Plesk. I've
got a virtual server from a hosting provider that uses the commercial
version, and it's slick.
Sean A. Walberg <sean(a)ertw.com> http://www.ertw.com