I was wondering if anyone's tried the pdaXrom for the Sharp Zaurus?
I get about 72 percent of the way through flashing the ROM and I get an error telling me that there was a "ro file system error while flashing".
I've tried re-dloading it from a different source too.
I thought I would update my last email. The new beta came out and I tried it and this time flashing went OK.
I remember Sean saying something about using the OZ ROM. Is anyone with a Zaurus using the pdaXrom? I may try Open Zaurus one day, but it may be a little too bleeding edge for me. PdaXrom seems to be a nice blend between bleeding edge and stability.
If anyone's interested in what Zaurus PDA (or sub-sub-laptops) are and how to get one, please let me know and I would be happy to answer your questions.
Has anyone played with the ctsim package?
I'm having trouble installing it on Fedora Core 4.