So I've got a storage appliance that I'm trying to generate a growth chart
on, but the output format of the statistics is not in a usable format.
The output looks like this, with each day of the week in a column, and then
6 rows of data underneath, and then it repeats.
-2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8-
5827.1 6865.6 3551.2 4649.5 4006.6 15803.5 10305.0
199.4 353.4 175.9 200.7 172.5 584.0 554.2
9.9x 4.4x 6.4x 5.9x 6.3x 5.6x 5.3x
3.0x 4.4x 3.2x 3.9x 3.7x 4.9x 3.5x
29.2x 19.4x 20.2x 23.2x 23.2x 27.1x 18.6x
96.6 94.9 95.0 95.7 95.7 96.3 94.6
-23- -24- -25- -26- -27- -28- -29-
2798.2 2235.3 2357.9 4701.3 9074.3 13796.5 11705.7
86.7 74.1 131.6 178.1 449.3 483.5 473.7
11.4x 12.0x 7.0x 8.1x 3.9x 6.3x 6.7x
2.8x 2.5x 2.6x 3.2x 5.2x 4.6x 3.7x
32.3x 30.2x 17.9x 26.4x 20.2x 28.5x 24.7x
96.9 96.7 94.4 96.2 95.0 96.5 96.0
-30- -31- -1- -2- -3- -4- -5-
2798.6 2274.5 2325.8 2472.1 2526.0 13955.3 11224.2
86.7 88.9 145.2 115.2 105.6 497.9 432.4
10.8x 10.1x 7.4x 8.1x 9.8x 6.2x 6.9x
3.0x 2.5x 2.2x 2.7x 2.4x 4.5x 3.8x
32.3x 25.6x 16.0x 21.5x 23.9x 28.0x 26.0x
96.9 96.1 93.8 95.3 95.8 96.4 96.1
Is there a way I can get awk to process 6 rows of each column at a time?
Wyatt Zacharias