As per a comment I made maybe a year ago at a general meeting during roundtable regarding gnome-terminal removing the ability to set your own set of "word stop characters". This annoyed me (as an admin and programmer) to no end because all of a sudden I was forced to accept that double-clicking a word would also select : and #, and some other crazy characters that aren't "word chars" to me.
They finally fixed this bug earlier in the year. Fedora 22 has the fix (vte 0.28 and gnome-terminal 3.16 and newer in any OS).
However, the fix does not provide a GUI way to change the chars. Furthermore, the new method is pretty confusing. I haven't seen a good explanation/documentation yet on the net, in the bugzillas or elsewhere. Here's mine:
First, get your gnome-terminal (g-t) "profile id". Right-click in your g-t -> Profiles -> Profile Preferences (make sure your desired / usual profile is selected). The UUID-ish looking thing in the General tab after "Profile ID" is what you need. You can select it, and paste it below (or retype it).
For ease of manipulation, we'll put that profile-id into a shell var:
csh/tcsh: set z=b1dcc9dd-5262-4d8d-a863-c897e6d979b9
sh/bash/ksh: z=b1dcc9dd-5262-4d8d-a863-c897e6d979b9
Note, that string might be the same for you, that's my default profile id, and it seems to pop up in other people's comments so it may be some kind of hardcoded value for the default profile.
See what your values are set to: dconf read /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:$z/word-char-exceptions dconf read /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:$z/word-chars
Your word-char-exceptions may be blank, and your word-chars may be set to something if you are on a box you've upgraded from old versions. Anyhow, you'll notice word-chars is being ignored. It's obsolete. Hose it (or just ignore it, but it confused me to no end until I confirmed with a dev it was being ignored):
dconf reset /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:$z/word-chars
Now we set the word-char-exceptions we want. Here's the confusing part: this value is what we WILL consider a word-char, and so chars you put in here will be selected when you double-click. Even worse, A-Za-z0-9 seem hardcoded in there, so you don't need to specify them. The nomenclature stinks because to me what you are setting aren't "exceptions", they are actual word-chars. Perhaps it should have been named word-char-additions.
Here's how you set it: dconf write /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:$z/word-char-exceptions '@ms "-/@_&.?"'
If you had word-chars previously set and liked it, just remove A-Za-z0-9 from that list and put the remainder chars in the word-char-exceptions list.
You must move the dash to the front, right after the double-quote, like in a regex character class. You can specify ranges (in ascii) of chars using the dash elsewhere.
I have no idea what the @ms and extra quoting is for, but the dev put that in his example and it works. I'm not sure how you'll get a ' or " in the list, but I'm sure it's possible (single quote should be easy but who knows how dconf wants the double escaped). As a programmer, making either quote a word char is insanity so I leave that as an exercise for the reader.
The write to dconf takes effect immediately in your running g-t's, no need to restart anything.
I (strongly) assume this writes to a persistent store somewhere so you don't have to do it on each boot.
The devs say they'll put the GUI option back in the preferences dialog sometime in the future. That'll be much nicer! Why it was ever removed is beyond me. Now, onto another bz as to why the --title option in g-t was removed...
Big thanks to Egmont Koblinger for being (one of) the driving force behind getting this option put back in.