There is a little over a week to go before nominations for the MUUG board
This is a call for nominees to participate in the election for the
MUUG board. Those elected will serve from October 2003 until October 2004.
The deadline to nominate yourself, or someone else, is September 30, 2003.
Instructions follow.
The MUUG board is charged with coordinating the meetings and other events
by the group. It's fun, and you get a role in guiding the group. All are
encouraged to apply.
MUUG Board Elections - Call for Nominations
Every October the Manitoba Unix User Group holds its Annual Meeting, the
main goals of which are to elect a new Board of Directors and to pass any
special resolutions. (Aside from that, it is a regular meeting) Any
member in good standing can be nominated to run for a position.
As of this writing, the following people have been nominated.
Gilbert Detillieux
Kevin McGregor
Doug Shewfelt
Adam Thompson
To put your name on the list, do the following:
1. Ensure your membership is in good standing (ie do you have to renew?)
2. Find another member willing to second your nomination
3. Email your nomination to <election(a)>, with a CC to your seconder
4. Get your seconder to send an email to <election(a)> indicating
their support for your nomination
It is important to include the following information in your nomination:
Name, Title, Employer/Occupation, short (100 word) biography. Without
this information, we can't put together the list of nominees to give to
the rest of the members, can we?
In the event the number of nominees is fewer than the number of vacant
positions, all will be accepted by acclamation. If there are more,
decision will be made by secret ballot at the Annual Meeting.
Nominees should familiarize themselves with the MUUG bylaws, found at Any questions about the election or
the nomination process can be directed to Sean Walberg at the
election(a) mailbox, or by phone at 975-5987 during business
Again, the deadline for nominations is September 30, 2003, with the election
being held at the October 14th meeting.
Good luck to all,
Sean Walberg
Sean A. Walberg <sean(a)>
As discussed at the monthly MUUG meeting, we will be having a second
'roundtable' style meeting at the Second Cup on Edmonton and Graham at
7:00pm on Thursday.
... warning .. kinda long message ... :-|
Hi all ... I recently picked up a d-link DI-614+ wireless router
recently (actually, two of them as they were basically giving them
away!). It's a 802.11b access point (with the obligatory switched 4port
router) ... it doesn't support router-to-router wireless connectivity
itself (that's in a different model i think) ... so I'm looking for a
wireless card for my pc and/or my laptop ... Since this model of the
d-link product line is the "air plus" line which use their so-called
enhanced 802.11b by bumping it up to 22Mbps ... as it utilizes the TI
PBCC modulation on their ACX100 chipsets. I thought I could use that
with my linux installation, but the driver for the TI chipset is not
"production" yet as it's still in development as TI hasn't released any
real technical information about it's chipset... (hiss, boo)
so my question .. has anyone used or tried to use these chipsets from TI
with any success? (under linux of course) .. I found some info on
various sites, but also the wlan site:
As for other options, I could just buy a USB wireless adapter (as i'm
interested in swapping it now and then with my pc upstairs with my
laptop) ... from what I read, they appear to work for the most part
depending upon the chipset used .. seems prism is by far the most widely
supported ... I think I even recall reading that the atmel usb-based
wireless adapters are not supported ... so there seems to be various
chipsets supported under various interfaces. It even appears that the
rf-mon feature of apps like kismet ( ) are not
supported on the usb interface or atmel adapter or some such .
Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions on options?
I recently looked at some cards from various local vendors and came up
with the following:
netgear MA101 (usb1.1) $90
NE nwu11b-ca (usb1.1) $100
Linksys WUSB11-ca v2.6 (usb1.1) $75
MS MN-510 $100 (choke)…
SMC SMC2662W $80
DLINK DWL-650+ $70 (that's the TI-based chipset) (and it's pcmcia, not
... any info greatly appreciated ... I thought I'd raise the question at
the upcoming muug meeting and thought that if I broadcasted it now, I
might get further info as well :-) ... I'm probably looking at buying
something fairly soon, so I'm still on an information gathering spree ...
[Posted to muug.unix.general and other news groups]
------ Forwarded Article <bj2vv5$sqk$1(a)>
------ From gedetil(a) (Gilbert E. Detillieux)
The Manitoba UNIX User Group (MUUG) will be holding its next monthly
meeting on Tuesday, September 9. The meeting topic for this month is
as follows:
Regular Expressions
In our September meeting Steve Moffat will be talking about Regular
Expressions. Some say the "Generalized Regular Expression Parser", or
grep, may be the most frequently used command in Unix. Using this
simple command more effectively can save you time and give you better
results every day. Whether it is grep, egrep, fgrep, perl, or any of
the other programs that use or support text pattern matching, you can
use Unix better if you know what Regular Expressions can do for you.
The group holds its general meetings at 7:30 PM on the second Tuesday of
every month from September to June. (There are no meetings in July and
August.) Meetings are open to the general public; you don't have to be a
MUUG member to attend.
Please note our new meeting location: The IBM offices, at 400 Ellice
Ave. (between Edmonton and Kennedy). When you arrive, you will have to
sign in at the reception desk, and then wait for someone to take you
(in groups) to the meeting room. Please try to arrive by about 7:15
PM, so the meeting can start promptly at 7:30 PM. Don't be late, or
you may not get in.
Limited parking is available for free on the street, or in a lot
across Ellice from IBM, for $1.00 for the evening. Indoor parking is
also available nearby, at Portage Place, for $2.00 for the evening.
For more information about MUUG, and its monthly meetings, check out their
Web server:
Also note that MUUG maintains two mailing lists, called "muug-announce"
and "roundtable". If you're not already on these lists, we encourage you
to subscribe now:
The "muug-announce" list is used for monthly meeting announcements (such
as this one) as well as other important announcements of interest to MUUG
The "rountable" list is meant to be a forum for follow-ups to topics
discussed at the meetings, or for round-table-style discussion on other
topics that come up between meetings. Of course, for this to be effective,
we need to reach a certain critical mass. So, please subscribe, and stay
Gilbert E. Detillieux E-mail: <gedetil(a)>
Manitoba UNIX User Group Web:
P.O. Box 130, St-Boniface Phone: (204)474-8161
Winnipeg, MB, CANADA R2H 3B4 Fax: (204)474-7609
------ End of Forwarded Article
Just passing along something we received. MUUG is not in any way affiliated
with this presentation, but I thought it might be of interest to you.
For more information, check out the web site, and contact the appropriate
people listed therein...
Forwarded message:
> From rpjday(a) Tue Aug 26 09:08:42 2003
> Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 08:50:03 -0400 (EDT)
> From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday(a)>
> X-X-Sender: rpjday(a)localhost.localdomain
> To: program(a)
> Subject: something some of your members might be interested in
> rday
On behalf of your friendly neighborhood MUUG board...
Gilbert E. Detillieux E-mail: <gedetil(a)>
Manitoba UNIX User Group Web:
PO Box 130 St-Boniface Phone: (204)474-8161
Winnipeg MB CANADA R2H 3B4 Fax: (204)474-7609
If you would like to publicly support the work of the Canadian Linux Interests Coalition (CLIC) in organizing a Canadian response to SCO's attacks, you can now do so -- visit to learn how.
Three Ottawa/Carleton LUG members have already stepped forward, and the more endorsements CLIC has--from across Canada--the better we can show a united oppostion to
Bill Traynor
In light of the recent response by the Australian Open Source community
to the SCO issue, talks have been taking place at the Ottawa/Carleton
LUG whether the Canadian Open Source community should respond as well.
I recently received the following from Dave, at OCLUG:
Over on OCLUG's board-of-directors mailing list, we have been
discussing changing the LUG's approach to SCO's nonsense -- see . I'm
wondering if other Canadian LUGs might collectively be
thinking along the same lines? If so, perhaps our LUGs can cooperate
on some sort of action(s) to oppose what the SCO Group are doing. If we
need *one* place to meet and discuss this, may I suggest #clue-talk on ?
So, if anyone wants to join us on Freenode, channel #clue-talk and/or
join the discuss(a) mailing list here: I'm sure the discussions
will be good.
There is also a WIKI page in the works.
Bill Traynor
Canadian Linux Users Exchange
Howdy folks!
I received the following from Doug Hamilton (who has given a couple
presentations at MUUG meetings on Mac OS X), and thought it would be of
interest the the Mac fans in the group. Please contact Doug (and not me)
if you have any questions about the seminar...
Gilbert E. Detillieux E-mail: <gedetil(a)>
Dept. of Computer Science Web:
University of Manitoba Phone: (204)474-8161
Winnipeg, MB, CANADA R3T 2N2 Fax: (204)474-7609
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 13:40:28 -0500
Subject: Please forward to MUUG ...
From: Doug Hamilton <hamilto(a)cc.UManitoba.CA>
To: Gilbert Detillieux <gedetil(a)>
Hi Gilbert,
If you feel its appropriate, could you please forward the following to
the MUUG mailing-list (see below) ?
Well its official, the BookStore and Apple Canada are pleased to be
able offer a FREE Apple seminar entitled "Unix Inside, Mac Outside".
This seminar will take place on:
July 22nd, 2003, and will run from 1:00PM to approximately 4:00PM; in
343 Drake Centre at the University of Manitoba - Fort Garry campus.
This seminar will be of value to professional and casual programmers,
as well as directors and managers, who wish to understand what is
possible with modern development tools.
Steve Hayman, based out of Toronto but employed by Apple Computer, Inc.
(Cupertino, California), is a National Consulting Engineer and has
worked for Apple for 10 years. He will demonstrate Mac OS X and what
its Unix core coupled with powerful object oriented developer tools can
offer. Steve comes highly recommended as a presenter, and as a
programmer. His been developing applications on Mac OS X since it was
called NeXTSTEP. While Mac OS X development seminars have been
previously presented in Winnipeg, none of them have been provided by a
This seminar will be kicked off by Randy Kokesch, who will be providing
an brief overview of successful Canadian Foundation for Innovation
(CFI) grant applications, which have requested Apple hardware and
software solutions. This will be followed by Steve Hayman's
presentation, "Unix Inside, Mac Outside", to be concluded with a Q&A
If you would like to register for this seminar, please use the URL
below to jump to the Apple Seminars listing for this event:
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.
I want to start off by saying I did RTFM (or at least did a google search on
the topic). Also what I want to do was working three weeks ago (before some
errors and a reinstall). After a solid few days of reading I think I'm a
little closer to understanding what I need to do. What I want it to be able
to display video on an NTSC monitor/VCR from text mode.
I have a Radeon 7000 card with s-video. The radeon driver is installed. I
also installed the fbdev driver. To get the graphics working the way they
were I think I have to have both installed (I didn't do this before).
Mandrake should be able to pick up the other monitor port and install the
stuff necessary for fbdev automatically (as it did the for first few
reinstalls). So far it looks as though everything is the way it should be
except the /dev/fb0 file is missing.
My current thoughts are I need to have the NTSC monitor actually connected
and turned on for the install for it to be detected (it worked without doing
this before). Any thoughts before I decide to do yet another reinstall?
| Digital Civilization magazine: |
| = Mike Pfaiffer (B.A., B.Sc.) |
| See my web page before you think about spamming me. I charge cash. |
Version: 3.12
GCS/G/IT/PA/SS d s+:- a? C++ UL L++ W++ N++ o+ K- w(---) O+@ M++@ V PS+
PE !PGP t+ 5+ X R tv b+ DI+++ D++ G e++* h! r-- !y-- UF++
------ END GEEK CODE BLOCK ------
There's a program called gramofile that
was specifically made for 78s. The programmers
advise you to get a particular kind of turntable
I could never find. The last time I saw a turntable
that could play 78s was at a small company
called Columbus Radio Ltd. I think that if you
want to do a realy good job you have to buy
an audio mixer board, like those Behringer
Eurotrack devices at Mother's Music. The cheapest
one , the UB502, is $98.
I have recorded a couple of 33 rpm tracks, and
some audio tape, to hard drive using Linux sox. and
software mixer, with the back of the sterio cabled
to the sound card. It turned
out OK but not good enough to burn to CD. I think
getting a hardware mixer would help.
It's important to have the correct
sterio connector from your source to the sound card.
I got mine at Radio Shack ( I'd give you the
specs but the its been packed away somewhere ).
For a week or two I couldn't get anything to work.
The problem was a defective cable! It was gold and
brand new. You can't trust anything these days.
Good luck!