Thanks to all of you who attended last night's meeting. Our presenter, Doug
Hamilton, sent me this e-mail this morning, and (with his permission) I'm
forwarding it to you. If you have any questions about his presentation, or
about Darwin and/or Mac OS X, please contact Doug directly (as he's not
subscribed to the roundtable mailing list).
Gilbert E. Detillieux E-mail:
Dept. of Computer Science Web:
University of Manitoba Phone: (204)474-8161
Winnipeg, MB, CANADA R3T 2N2 Fax: (204)474-7609
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 08:03:17 -0600 (CST)
From: Doug Hamilton
To: "Gilbert E. Detillieux"
Subject: Re: MUUG Meeting
Hi Gilbert,
I just wanted to thank you for inviting me to speak to the MUUG
membership. I have never delivered a presentation on UNIX before, so
thanks to everyone for their patience. If any of the members would like to
provide any constructive criticism regarding my presentation, I would
appreciate the feedback. My thanks to everyone who attended for asking
some tough and pointed questions, and for keeping the discussion lively. I
would also like to extend to the MUUG membership the opportunity to ask
any additional questions they may have regarding Darwin and/or Mac OS X.
Doug Hamilton
Doug Hamilton, BA, MA, APP
Senior Apple Computer Consultant
Computers-on-Campus; Univ. of Manitoba
204-474-6196 (Ph.)
204-474-7556 (Fax)