I have looked around for Apache log analysis tools and found; Webalizer, AWStats, and Perl WebStats. Anyone have any preferences, experiences with these packages or other software.
I'm using webalizer. It's quite easy to setup and is very quick (have a cron that does it each night, don't even notice it running over the ~14 vhosts the machine is hosting). I t seems to be quite widely in use.
Another package I've heard good things about is Analog.
At 07:32 PM 09/01/2002 -0600, Brock Wolfe wrote:
I have looked around for Apache log analysis tools and found; Webalizer, AWStats, and Perl WebStats. Anyone have any preferences, experiences with these packages or other software.
Roundtable mailing list Roundtable@muug.mb.ca http://www.muug.mb.ca/mailman/listinfo/roundtable
I really like Webalizer. It is really easy to set up and works great.
I have heard good things about Analog, but I have never used it.
-----Original Message----- From: roundtable-admin@muug.mb.ca [mailto:roundtable-admin@muug.mb.ca]On Behalf Of Brock Wolfe Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 7:32 PM To: roundtable Subject: [RndTbl] apache web stats
I have looked around for Apache log analysis tools and found; Webalizer, AWStats, and Perl WebStats. Anyone have any preferences, experiences with these packages or other software.
_______________________________________________ Roundtable mailing list Roundtable@muug.mb.ca http://www.muug.mb.ca/mailman/listinfo/roundtable
According to Brock Wolfe:
I have looked around for Apache log analysis tools and found; Webalizer, AWStats, and Perl WebStats. Anyone have any preferences, experiences with these packages or other software.
I've used both analog and webalizer, and am currently using webalizer on the MUUG server, both for Apache and wu-ftpd xferlog stats...
Analog was nice in that it produced a few summaries that webalizer doesn't, but overall, webalizer was much nicer. It produces fancier reports, including graphics (which analog didn't), was much easier to set up and configure, and has the added benefit of being able to deal with xferlog files as well, so you can use it for FTP stats.
If you install webalizer, make sure you get a recent version, and not the older version we're running on the MUUG server. It had a date-related overflow bug - not a Y2K bug, but a Y2001-10-04 bug! - which I managed to find and fix. Newer versions of webalizer don't seem to have that bug, so I guess someone else also discovered and fixed the problem.