Apologies, but the MUUG mailing lists may have delayed/deferred (or even dropped) emails to a very small subset of members since the mailman migration in the last 2 weeks.
If this applies to you you would not have received any muug mailing list emails during this time. Some of them may have just come through to you as I have now fixed the problem. Ones over 5 days (or so) probably got dropped.
If you want to see the emails you may have missed, you can view them in the web interface: https://muug.ca/pipermail/roundtable/2016-November/date.html
This problem only affected people who have mail servers that a) have STARTTLS enabled, *and* b) have their servers set to only allow obsolete encryption methods. If you can update your mail server to the latest version you will be less likely to have this problem in the future with other email senders. This problem will not occur on the muug lists again because I have disabled opportunistic muug-as-client smtp encryption.
For those interested, the latest sendmail (which we may not be able to upgrade to for quite a long time) has an option to fallback to non-encrypted when the initial encrypted connection attempt fails. That would solve this problem more cleanly on the muug side. Not sure why this wasn't the default or available in sendmail the whole time, as the "encrypt or bust" paradigm we're stuck with in v8.14 is lame.
No worries though, as 99% of the net still happily doesn't TLS smtp. It's more gravy than anything.