Is /home/frank on a separate device (<5% probability on this guess)?
Over-mounting is a good way of hiding stuff. :)
Force an fsck in single user mode and then it's time to start inode and extent hunting.
> On Apr 28, 2018, at 4:41 AM, Trevor Cordes wrote:
> On 2018-04-22 Frank H wrote:
>> My main os is partitioned for 89GB which has typically been plenty in
>> the past.Running KDE Neon stable It was out of space and locking up
>> so I booted into another partition and ran baobab against it. It says
>> 65 GB is the size of home but the graphic and detailed list don't
>> show the whole picture. Only about 6GB. Any ideas? Thanks,Frank
> No one jumped on this yet?
> Almost certainly (assuming baobab isn't buggy) there's a/some huge
> file/files in your home dir itself, not a subdir. Try:
> ls -ailSrh /home/frank
> If that doesn't show you some honkin' files, then try:
> ls /home/frank |wc -l
> and see if you get a silly number of smaller files (like thousands+).
> Even then, they'd have to be pretty big files.
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