I have a friend who's company is looking to hire a couple people. Please see attached PDF's. If you apply for one of the jobs, please mention Jeff Howie's name as he gets a bonus if you get hired. ;)
-Montana Blog and Aggregation Site: http://montanaquiring.info iPhone/Touch Apps I have bought: http://appshopper.com/feed/user/antikx/myapps
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: GROG! (Jeff Howie) uncle.grog@gmail.com Date: Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 11:17 AM Subject: Jobs To: Montana Quiring montanaq@gmail.com
Hey there. How's it going? Long time no see, talk or otherwise. :) My office just lost a couple of tech people in the last bit & while I don't think you'd be interested (or maybe you are?), maybe you know someone who is? Pass'em on if you do & let me know. I get a small bonus if someone is hired that I brought in, so make sure my name is dropped :).
Take care.