I've used SVN for things like this in the past.
I have one SVN repo on a server. Access was done via authorized_keys and forced command to load svnserve (and force a user/blame).
Deployment was managed via a post-commit hook which simply just ran svn update in the document root of the web app. This of course requires some discipline given you shouldn't commit broken code. :)
If you want truly distributed management then I would suggest git since it was built for offline work/activities. I've not had the occasion to use it so I can't comment on how good it is as SVN has always been good-enough for my purposes.
Sean (mobile)
On 2011-09-30, at 5:51 AM, Trevor Cordes
trevor@tecnopolis.ca wrote:
> Following up to last month's meeting topic, I'm wondering if anyone can
> help me choose a revision control system for my purposes.
> It'll be 2 developers (possibly more later, but always a small number).
> We'll share access into 1 box, but I'm thinking we'd prefer a system
> that lets us check out the complete source tree to our own dev boxes
> where we can code, and then merge back up changes.
> Also, it would be great if we could have a way to check out the current
> project into a dir that would then serve directly to the web (it's a
> php project). For example, I'd want a copy to dev on, the other guy
> would have a copy, and a 3rd copy (possibly older) would be the live
> web site. When commits are shown to be good, we'd check out into the
> live site. Hope that makes sense.
> I'm thinking CVS or subversion. I'm not sure this small project (maybe
> 30k lines of code) warrants the strangeness of git. Anything else I'm
> missing? I'd love to hear the pros/cons.
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