The MUUG e-mailing lists (of which you are a subscriber if you are reading this email!) have been migrated from the old server to the new one.
With this change we are encouraging everyone to update their address books (and spam exception lists, etc.) to use instead of the old For the time being, both domains will function, but from this point on, will be the preferred domain. In the distant future, will probably go away.
For example, to send email to the roundtable mailing list, you'd now send it to
In addition, with the migration of the mailman mailing list web archives, thus concludes our migration of the entire MUUG web and ftp trove, and you can update your browser bookmarks to the new domain as well.
If you notice any glitches, please let the MUUG board know. Thanks!
Additional: I'd like to say a word of thanks to lisa, our venerable AMD dual-core muug server, having served us well for 5 years. Thanks lisa. And thanks to the U of M for having hosted us all those years! (for the complete history)
(For comparison, MUUG's 1994 server was a SPARCstation 2 with 1G disk and 16MB RAM!)