Going from the general to the specific, I'd say - the game(s) would be decided and announced in advance - each participant is responsible for bringing their own suitable hardware - each participant is responsible for pre-installing the selected game and performing any other set up required before the meeting starts - I could bring my old-school 16-port 10 Mb/s hub (!), and we wouldn't use IBM's network AT ALL - in the case of BZflag, there is a server portion which can run on a suitably-configured Linux/BSD box (virtual or not) which could lead to some non-game-related discussion
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 10:54 AM, Mike Pfaiffer high.res.mike@gmail.comwrote:
On 10-09-28 08:42 AM, Kevin McGregor wrote:
I like the idea, and I'd definitely attend and participate! I'm not sure
much fun it would be for some of the fuddy-duddies in the group, though.
Mind you, if the game(s) have an "observer" mode (BZflag is one that
this), we could throw that on the projector and make it more of a show.
If someone knows of a game in addition to BZflag with an observer
mode maybe we could make a list. This brings up an interesting point... Will IBM let us use their network if a lot of people bring in their machines and start playing games?
It occurs to me we could also have an educational component to the
"game night". The first item is how to set up multi-player games directly in Linux/Mac/BSD/whatever. The second could be how to do the same with virtual machines. Going from the specific to the general, one could extend these techniques to a more generic connection of networking software.
Later Mike
On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 6:54 PM, Kelly Leveillekel@kelweb.ca wrote:
Mike's Warzone 2100 demo offer gave me an idea...
Has there ever been a MUUG game night? Perhaps we could vote on 1 or 2 favorite open source games& use one of the meetings (Xmas Party) as a
party? We could do the round-table first& then LAN party for any who
to stay.
Just an idea.
-----Original Message----- From: Mike Pfaifferhigh.res.mike@gmail.com Sender: roundtable-bounces@muug.mb.ca Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 12:36:15 To: Continuation of Round Table discussionroundtable@muug.mb.ca Reply-To: Continuation of Round Table discussionroundtable@muug.mb.ca Subject: Re: [RndTbl] RTFM brainstorm.
On 10-09-27 10:28 AM, Sean Cody wrote:
We are quickly powering through our current RTFM pool.
Since the point of the exercise is to educate the group it seems only
reasonable to find out what commands/systems the group would like to
That being said, is there any command/system you were always curious
about but haven't found time to investigate?
What about a command you are using but you are unsure if you are
the full potential out of it?
Any particular command you enjoy using that you think other people
benefit from?
Let us know and we'll add it to the pool.
If anyone wants, I can talk about a trio of commands. "cd",
and "popd". I can also give the standard lecture of how directories are created/removed/arranged.
At a later date I can give a short demo of a cross-platform game
called Warzone 2100. I can even demo a GameBoy emulator (I used to run a game oriented BBS with a friend and I guess it's still an area I pay a little attention to). An admitted departure from the system admin oriented presentations, but a break every now and then couldn't hurt. ;-)
Later Mike
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Roundtable mailing list Roundtable@muug.mb.ca http://www.muug.mb.ca/mailman/listinfo/roundtable
Roundtable mailing list Roundtable@muug.mb.ca http://www.muug.mb.ca/mailman/listinfo/roundtable
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