On another 3.x bug note, after upgrading most of my systems to 3.x kernels
(and distros), I've noticed that the rate of dropping ssh connections has
gone through the roof. Actually, they aren't dropping, they are freezing!
Keypresses aren't being echoed and the only thing I can do is escape with
~. to manually kill ssh.
With normally 20 always-open ssh sessions to 20 different comps, I'm
probably losing 1-3 a night. Normally (pre 3.x, pre-Fedora 16) I'd lose
maybe 1-3 a week, and they'd die, not freeze.
The ssh is:
Anyone else seen this with a 3.x kernel? Any workarounds, perhaps with
keep-alives I should check? My iptables are all setup to strictly try to
keep ssh's alive at all costs.