Turns out, at least on RHEL/Centos-style systems, if you run su(1) or
sudo(8) after ssh'ing into a system, you can't run X11 apps from the
su{do}'d user because of the way SSH handles X authentication there - it
puts the Xauth cookie into the .Xauthority file instead of an
environment variable.
I'm seeing references that Ubuntu & Debian don't behave like this, but
don't have a live system to confirm. I vaguely recall HPUX not behaving
like this, and I don't care enough to test on *BSD right now.
Since I regularly need to su/sudo to another identity on a remote CentOS
system, and it's a shared system, I don't want to gratuitously grant
wide-open connection to my local X display; I at least want to limit the
window of vulnerability... it doesn't look like I can eliminate it entirely.
Here's the best work-around I could come up with.
I think it manages to avoid exposing the Xauth data or anything else,
but potentially requires you to enter your password more than once if
sudo(8)'s cache has expired.
It also allows someone else su'd into that userid *at the same time as
me* to access my Xauth cookies, but that's an acceptable window of risk
for me since the cookie becomes invalid after I disconnect the SSH
session. Plus, I'm not the only person with root, so that vulnerability
exists no matter what :).
> #!/bin/sh -e
> U=someuserid
> D=${DISPLAY/*:}
> E="$(hostname)/unix:${D%.0}"
> xauth extract - "$E" | sudo -u "$U" -- xauth merge -
> if [ -z "$*" ]; then
> sudo -u "$U" -i
> else
> sudo -u "$U" -- "$@"
> fi
> sudo -u "$U" -- xauth remove "$E"
Unfortunately, ssh(1)/sshd(8) sets DISPLAY to something like
localhost:NN.0, but xauth has it recorded internally as FQDN/unix:NN ...
these two $DISPLAYs are equivalent, but don't parse the same way on the
command-line, hence the ugly manipulation. I think this chunk of code
is safe from obvious exploits (or errors), but dissenting opinions are
N.B. long-time shell users will cringe at seeing $* instead of $@, but
it turns out to be correct in this case: $@ *doesn't work* there. The
reason why is left as an exercise for the reader :-).
-Adam Thompson