Hi all. Thanks Shawn for putting out the effort to present the Gentoo introduction last night.
I live an hour south of Winnipeg so it's not an easy jaunt to come in to another meeting.. it's not even easy to come in once a month...heh I'd like to see this list forum used more, but it seems that most take those energies elsewhere. If I was closer I'd certainly benefit from more contact with you guys.
kppp trouble:
I run a Redhat 7.2 box with the Redhat 2.4.9-34 kernel with: Qt: 2.3.2 KDE: 2.2.2-3 KPPP: 2.0.9
Duron 1.2 384 megs RAM
I am having some trouble with kppp. At least I think so... It is growing in it's memory use and eventually causing me to have to shut it down. However I'd love to learn to be able to prove such a thing. I can't keep this machine up for more than a couple weeks without trouble. I ask these questions to attempt to correct this. The problems probably haven't shown up until now because I am stuck on a dial up and only recently got a dedicated dial-up line... even that sucks, but that's what I get for living in the bush.. heh.
I yanked out kdenetwork-ppp-2.2.2-2 and reinstalled this kppp containing rpm but that didn't change the fact that when I start kppp and connect with it, its resident memory size is about 10700k, and several hours later it has more than doubled to 25000k. Granted... I don't know if this is normal, but other programs don't seem to do this... I don't know what the memory size is after a couple of weeks, or even days as I just noticed this yesterday.
Obviously I'm grasping at straws here to try and stabilise this box further. I've been monitoring with "ps aux" and periodically have to "kill -9" to some lame process or other but other than that I can't see any other misbehaviour that would cause the stability to deteriorate. No doubt there are a gazillion other possibilities.
Could someone suggest an approach for tracing or fixing this problem. I could work up a script to connect to my isp instead of using kppp as I have done in the past but I'd like to know how to rectify this problem regardless.
Any suggestions would be very welcome.
Cheers! Ian.