I tried burning an audio CD using (Fedora CORE 1) Nautilus. I put it a blank CD and a burn/// window popped up. I copied mp3's to it and did a burn. It plays in my PC when i open the CD and click on a song's icon (xmms gets fired up) but the CD player app doesn't play it. As a matter of interest the following appears on the CD Player Screen. I didn't burn anything that resembled the following. ================================ "Disney's Magic Kingdom" "SpectroMagic Light Parade" "1-Spectromagic" ================================ It appears as one file/song to my stereo's CD player and no sound is produced. I've burned (burnt?) MP3's before when I was a couple years younger and I don't know what is going wrong.
Can anyone give me a command line for burning mp3's in /tmp/burn/ to a CDR using cdrecord with parameters?
===== The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good. -Samuel Johnson, lexicographer (1709-1784)