An interesting package. Some adventures... The first is I appear to have purchased a bad batch of CDs. Or it could be the burner. It works fine installed on a DVD.
I've set up a LAMP server. It works fine for standard HTML files. It took me a while to configure it for users public_html directories. The usersdir module wasn't hard to find but finding out what to do was where the time went.
I tried to display a PHP test file and ran into problems. It seems it only works fine in the system directory but not for users. This is the same problem I was having with OS X (10.4) last year. It wants to send the file as a download. The documentation I've read today seems to be out of date and makes some assumptions. For example, that I'm running Windows, the software isn't already there. That sort of thing. Even the documentation from Canonical wasn't very helpful (I spent most of the day reading the 8.04 documentation without realising it). They also assumed I had to download the software even though it was on their ISO. I know I'm missing a setting somewhere. Probably in the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file. It probably has to be a 30 second fix. Would someone happen to know it off the top of their head?
I'd like to set up Python as well. The language is installed. I want to hold off installing it until I can get PHP working. If someone could point me to some documentation for that too it will help a lot.
There are quite a few apps installed. Moinmoin and mediawiki are there. I was wondering if installing a "forum" program would be worthwhile. I'll probably connect it to a wireless router in the last week and let my neighbours access it for a while. Of course with me it's also about installing games. Chris was saying there are a few free PHP (web) games which might be worth looking at. Then there is Montanas recommendation about Stendhal. Anything else worth installing before the machine goes back in September?
Later Mike
P.S. There will be no web access through the wireless router. Shaw gets their collective underwear in a knot at the idea of something like bittorrent let alone an open router.
On 10-08-14 10:16 PM, Mike Pfaiffer wrote:
I tried to display a PHP test file and ran into problems. It seems it only works fine in the system directory but not for users. This is the same problem I was having with OS X (10.4) last year. It wants to send the file as a download. The documentation I've read today seems to be out of date and makes some assumptions. For example, that I'm running Windows, the software isn't already there. That sort of thing. Even the documentation from Canonical wasn't very helpful (I spent most of the day reading the 8.04 documentation without realising it). They also assumed I had to download the software even though it was on their ISO. I know I'm missing a setting somewhere. Probably in the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file. It probably has to be a 30 second fix. Would someone happen to know it off the top of their head?
Try a2enmod php5
I'd like to set up Python as well. The language is installed. I want to hold off installing it until I can get PHP working. If someone could point me to some documentation for that too it will help a lot.
apt-cache search mod_python
All the best, Robert
On 10-08-14 11:43 PM, Robert Keizer wrote:
On 10-08-14 10:16 PM, Mike Pfaiffer wrote:
I tried to display a PHP test file and ran into problems. It seems it only works fine in the system directory but not for users. This is the same problem I was having with OS X (10.4) last year. It wants to send the file as a download. The documentation I've read today seems to be out of date and makes some assumptions. For example, that I'm running Windows, the software isn't already there. That sort of thing. Even the documentation from Canonical wasn't very helpful (I spent most of the day reading the 8.04 documentation without realising it). They also assumed I had to download the software even though it was on their ISO. I know I'm missing a setting somewhere. Probably in the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file. It probably has to be a 30 second fix. Would someone happen to know it off the top of their head?
Try a2enmod php5
I'd like to set up Python as well. The language is installed. I want to hold off installing it until I can get PHP working. If someone could point me to some documentation for that too it will help a lot.
apt-cache search mod_python
All the best, Robert
Thanks for the info. Here is what I get...
mike@scoundrel:~$ sudo a2enmod php5 [sudo] password for mike: Module php5 already enabled mike@scoundrel:~$ sudo apt-cache search mod_python libapache2-mod-python - Python-embedding module for Apache 2 libapache2-mod-python-doc - Python-embedding module for Apache 2 - documentation libapache2-mod-wsgi - Python WSGI adapter module for Apache python-albatross - Toolkit for Stateful Web Applications python-albatross-doc - documentation for the Albatross Web Toolkit python-apache-openid - OpenID consumer module for Apache python-cherrypy3 - Python web development framework - version 3 python-myghtyutils - Set of utility classes used by Myghty templating mike@scoundrel:~$ sudo a2enmod python ERROR: Module python does not exist! mike@scoundrel:~$ sudo a2enmod mod_python ERROR: Module mod_python does not exist! mike@scoundrel:~$ sudo a2enmod libapache2-mod-python ERROR: Module libapache2-mod-python does not exist! mike@scoundrel:~$ a2enmod Your choices are: actions alias asis auth_basic auth_digest authn_alias authn_anon authn_dbd authn_dbm authn_default authn_file authnz_ldap authz_dbm authz_default authz_groupfile authz_host authz_owner authz_user autoindex cache cern_meta cgi cgid charset_lite dav dav_fs dav_lock dbd deflate dir disk_cache dump_io env expires ext_filter file_cache filter headers ident imagemap include info ldap log_forensic mem_cache mime mime_magic negotiation php5 proxy proxy_ajp proxy_balancer proxy_connect proxy_ftp proxy_http proxy_scgi reqtimeout rewrite setenvif speling ssl status substitute suexec unique_id userdir usertrack version vhost_alias Which module(s) do you want to enable (wildcards ok)? ^C mike@scoundrel:~$
Here is the list of available modules...
actions.conf authn_dbd.load authz_owner.load charset_lite.load dir.load headers.load mem_cache.load proxy_ajp.load reqtimeout.load substitute.load actions.load authn_dbm.load authz_user.load dav_fs.conf disk_cache.conf ident.load mime.conf proxy_balancer.load rewrite.load suexec.load alias.conf authn_default.load autoindex.conf dav_fs.load disk_cache.load imagemap.load mime.load proxy.conf setenvif.conf unique_id.load alias.load authn_file.load autoindex.load dav.load dump_io.load include.load mime_magic.conf proxy_connect.load setenvif.load userdir.conf asis.load authnz_ldap.load cache.load dav_lock.load env.load info.conf mime_magic.load proxy_ftp.load speling.load userdir.load auth_basic.load authz_dbm.load cern_meta.load dbd.load expires.load info.load negotiation.conf proxy_http.load ssl.conf usertrack.load auth_digest.load authz_default.load cgid.conf deflate.conf ext_filter.load ldap.load negotiation.load proxy.load ssl.load version.load authn_alias.load authz_groupfile.load cgid.load deflate.load file_cache.load log_forensic.load php5.conf proxy_scgi.load status.conf vhost_alias.load authn_anon.load authz_host.load cgi.load dir.conf filter.load mem_cache.conf php5.load reqtimeout.conf status.load
This is the list of those enabled...
alias.conf authn_file.load authz_host.load autoindex.load deflate.load env.load negotiation.conf php5.load rewrite.load status.conf userdir.load alias.load authz_default.load authz_user.load cgi.load dir.conf mime.conf negotiation.load reqtimeout.conf setenvif.conf status.load auth_basic.load authz_groupfile.load autoindex.conf deflate.conf dir.load mime.load php5.conf reqtimeout.load setenvif.load userdir.conf
Based on the documentation I've been able to find I shouldn't have missed anything with PHP. I don't see anything there with Python though. Come to think of it I don't see anything there for PERL either.
One of those days I suspect I shouldn't have gotten out of bed...
Later Mike