I upgraded my machine from FC1 to FC3 a while back. My sound card (ens1371) then started playing a lot of static whenever I used it. You could make out whatever you were trying to play, but it was very choppy and hard to understand.
I played around with some BIOS settings, and found that turning off a lot of the PCI bells and whistles made it semi-usable, there is still static but at least it's playing at what seems like full speed.
This weekend I swapped motherboards with another one of my computers and nothing at all worked. I couldn't get my machine to boot, and when I finally did, I was getting kernel panics during the boot sequence. I installed RH9, and it worked perfectly. Swapped everything back to where it was before, and things are back to normal (except the sound still sucks).
I Googled around and can't find anything similar. I even filed a Bugzilla report on the sound problem a few months ago but I haven't heard anything on it. I can't believe I'm the only person having problems with FC3!
Just curious if anyone else has run into similar problems before I re- install with FC2.