I received the following from Doug Hamilton (who has given a couple
presentations at MUUG meetings on Mac OS X), and thought it would be of
interest the the Mac fans in the group. Please contact Doug (and not me)
if you have any questions about the seminar...
Gilbert E. Detillieux E-mail:
Dept. of Computer Science Web:
University of Manitoba Phone: (204)474-8161
Winnipeg, MB, CANADA R3T 2N2 Fax: (204)474-7609
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 13:40:28 -0500
Subject: Please forward to MUUG ...
From: Doug Hamilton
To: Gilbert Detillieux
Hi Gilbert,
If you feel its appropriate, could you please forward the following to
the MUUG mailing-list (see below) ?
Well its official, the BookStore and Apple Canada are pleased to be
able offer a FREE Apple seminar entitled "Unix Inside, Mac Outside".
This seminar will take place on:
July 22nd, 2003, and will run from 1:00PM to approximately 4:00PM; in
343 Drake Centre at the University of Manitoba - Fort Garry campus.
This seminar will be of value to professional and casual programmers,
as well as directors and managers, who wish to understand what is
possible with modern development tools.
Steve Hayman, based out of Toronto but employed by Apple Computer, Inc.
(Cupertino, California), is a National Consulting Engineer and has
worked for Apple for 10 years. He will demonstrate Mac OS X and what
its Unix core coupled with powerful object oriented developer tools can
offer. Steve comes highly recommended as a presenter, and as a
programmer. His been developing applications on Mac OS X since it was
called NeXTSTEP. While Mac OS X development seminars have been
previously presented in Winnipeg, none of them have been provided by a
This seminar will be kicked off by Randy Kokesch, who will be providing
an brief overview of successful Canadian Foundation for Innovation
(CFI) grant applications, which have requested Apple hardware and
software solutions. This will be followed by Steve Hayman's
presentation, "Unix Inside, Mac Outside", to be concluded with a Q&A
If you would like to register for this seminar, please use the URL
below to jump to the Apple Seminars listing for this event:
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.