In case you ever found yourself needing swap while you're running the third party ZFS module for Linux, read on.
Assuming all your disks are ZFS, doing a standard "dd if=/dev/zero of=./file bs=1024k count=4096 && mkswap file && swapon file" doesn't work.
Why, I don't know - and I don't really care at the moment.
Solution: "loop=`losetup -f` && dd if=/dev/zero of=./file bs=1024k count=4096 && mkswap file && losetup $loop file && swapon $loop".
Go figure that piping it through a loopback device works just fine.
+1 for compiz taking 1.7gb of ram. +1 for 5 VirtualBox windows images at 2gb per segfaulting with 12gb of system ram.