MUUG members are invited to attend ParIT's launch party for Bo-Keep 1.0 on Sunday November 14 at noon.
Location: 91 Albert Street, 3rd floor (Rudolph Rocker Cultural Centre) [Please note that the third floor is only reachable by stairs.]
Free Catered Food will be available.
Bo-Keep is a platform that support custom entry interfaces for specific tasks to ease book keeping. "Bo-Keep helps you keep your books so you don't get lost". It integrates with GnuCash, which I gave a presentation on at MUUG a few years ago.
Not only are we calling this our 1.0 milestone, but it will be the first release that we will actively promote as a public free software project.
This makes me wonder, do MUUG members remember the last time (if ever?) a Winnipeg company did a public launch and celebration for software that runs on unix platform? Probably even less likely was there ever being a public launch of a new FLOSS package in Winnipeg?
Happy hacking,
Mark Jenkins Member ParIT Worker Co-op