Does anyone know of a good mail-order place in Canada for purchasing EPROMs? I checked with Active and Tip Top here in Winnipeg, and they don't have the ones I need and aren't likely to get any as they only stock those with large demand.
I'm looking for a 4 Mbit (512Kx8) EPROM, 120 ns 32-pin ceramic DIP -- AMD part number 27C040. 27C4001 would do as well. I'd like around five of them. They're available from the US for around US$7 each, but I'd prefer to order from Canada. has them for $4.69US if you decide to go from the States. has a lot of different variants, it looks like there is one by Fairchild that meets your needs for $10.79CDN
Both of those are reprogrammable, BTW. If you dig around you should be able to find the same thing in OTP if you don't need to erase them.
On Tue, 2004-08-17 at 18:49, Kevin McGregor wrote:
Does anyone know of a good mail-order place in Canada for purchasing EPROMs? I checked with Active and Tip Top here in Winnipeg, and they don't have the ones I need and aren't likely to get any as they only stock those with large demand.
I'm looking for a 4 Mbit (512Kx8) EPROM, 120 ns 32-pin ceramic DIP -- AMD part number 27C040. 27C4001 would do as well. I'd like around five of them. They're available from the US for around US$7 each, but I'd prefer to order from Canada. _______________________________________________ Roundtable mailing list