I have some equipment (switches, etc.) that I'd like to mount on a rack at home. Does anyone know where I can get a decent rack (used is fine) for a low price? Or a good DIY substitute?
I've got one of these, was around $10. https://wiki.eth0.nl/index.php/LackRack
Holds my laser printer on top too.
On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 06:51:32PM -0600, Kevin McGregor wrote:
Does yours have hollow legs? I got one a while back for another use, and it did.
On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 6:53 PM, tim@fractaldragon.net wrote:
On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 07:07:38PM -0600, Kevin McGregor wrote:
Does yours have hollow legs? I got one a while back for another use, and it did.
Mine's hollow in the middle, with a few inches being solid at each end. It was a good fit for the Fortigate I was using, though I added a bit of a hook at the rear since the device had some depth to it, but not enough to reach the rear legs.
If you were putting more than one unit in there, you'd probably want something else.
Cheers, Tim