There have been a number of posts about the problems of Shaw Internet going away. It is not clear what the problem is and when Trevor and starting runing scripts which did pings, etc. the problem went away for me.
I was installing a new server and of course the MAC address is different. When I powered cycled the cable modem it still would not allow my MAC address to communicate. After fighting this for a while I phoned Shaw tech support. I having the modem reset, etc. I guess the tech went away to consult. It turns out that the arp cache is not updated continuously and is cleared every 4 hours. So a MAC IP pairing hangs around for a while. This potentially could cause the problems I was seeing if someone was using my IP address. It seems a bit far fetched but not updating the arp cache could lead to problems that correct themselves when the cache is clear.
My solution was to clone the old server MAC address. This will become standard procedure since if you want to go back to the old server you do not want to wait 4 hours.
Of course this is really only a problem with static IPs since if you do a dhcp renew you should get a new IP address.
-- Bill
A followup on this: I haven't seen this problem (a single "hit" on my script) since Apr 28 and before that Mar 12. I think Shaw took care of this problem shortly after we started monitoring it. I don't think I ever got a good "real hit" since I implemented the watcher program; where the output showed anything unusual.
I'm disabling the watcher program starting now, and we'll see how it goes.