I only see these once per day, so if this has been offered already I apologize. But, speaking of Edgy and finding software over and above the Ubuntu install, have you seen Automatix? http://www.getautomatix.com/
pretty slick, especially for multimedia things. Steve
IBM Global Services sjm@ca.ibm.com (204)934-2767
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Subject 11/02/2006 12:00 Roundtable Digest, Vol 23, Issue 2 PM
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Today's Topics:
1. Ubuntu newbie question (Mike Pfaiffer) 2. Re: Ubuntu newbie question (Scott Balneaves) 3. Re: Ubuntu newbie question (Mike Pfaiffer) 4. Packages in Ubuntu (Mike Pfaiffer)
Message: 1 Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2006 20:55:43 -0600 From: Mike Pfaiffer high.res.mike@gmail.com Subject: [RndTbl] Ubuntu newbie question To: roundtable@muug.mb.ca Message-ID: 45495E2F.3060508@gmail.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
OK. I shot myself in the foot with this one... I'll admit it up front.
I did the upgrade from Dapper to Edgy. It went better than most. Suffice it to say I got the GUI back as well as a number of other things which messed up. While tracking down one problem (something wasn't finding files for verification I burned onto a DVD - source or copy I don't know) I figured the problem might have been a library (libdvdread1). I thought I'd uninstall and reinstall. The problem is it took out mplayer. Again I figured an uninstall and reinstall may do the trick. Well now I can't reinstall it or vlc because both depend on this library and the library is unavailable.
Figured I'd try compiling it myself but Ubuntu complains about no acceptable C compiler in the path.
Later Mike
Message: 2 Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2006 21:00:25 -0600 From: Scott Balneaves sbalneav@legalaid.mb.ca Subject: Re: [RndTbl] Ubuntu newbie question To: roundtable@muug.mb.ca Message-ID: 20061102030025.GA30390@localdomain Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
On Wed, Nov 01, 2006 at 08:55:43PM -0600, Mike Pfaiffer wrote:
OK. I shot myself in the foot with this one... I'll admit it up front.
I did the upgrade from Dapper to Edgy. It went better than most. Suffice it to say I got the GUI back as well as a number of other things which messed up. While tracking down one problem (something wasn't finding files for verification I burned onto a DVD - source or copy I don't know) I figured the problem might have been a library (libdvdread1). I thought I'd uninstall and reinstall. The problem is it took out mplayer. Again I figured an uninstall and reinstall may do the trick. Well now I can't reinstall it or vlc because both depend on this library and the library is unavailable.
Have you re-enabled the universe and multiverse repositories?
System -> Administration -> Software Sources.
-- Scott L. Balneaves | "Looking beyond the embers of bridges glowing behind us Systems Department | To a glimpse of how green it was on the other side..." Legal Aid Manitoba | -- Pink Floyd "High Hopes"
Message: 3 Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2006 21:37:03 -0600 From: Mike Pfaiffer high.res.mike@gmail.com Subject: Re: [RndTbl] Ubuntu newbie question To: roundtable@muug.mb.ca Message-ID: 454967DF.6080306@gmail.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Scott Balneaves wrote:
On Wed, Nov 01, 2006 at 08:55:43PM -0600, Mike Pfaiffer wrote:
OK. I shot myself in the foot with this one... I'll admit it up
I did the upgrade from Dapper to Edgy. It went better than most. Suffice it to say I got the GUI back as well as a number of other things
which messed up. While tracking down one problem (something wasn't finding files for verification I burned onto a DVD - source or copy I don't know) I figured the problem might have been a library (libdvdread1). I thought I'd uninstall and reinstall. The problem is it took out mplayer. Again I figured an uninstall and reinstall may do the trick. Well now I can't reinstall it or vlc because both depend on this library and the library is unavailable.
Have you re-enabled the universe and multiverse repositories?
Actually I didn't. I just turned them on. Simple fix I didn't know about.
System -> Administration -> Software Sources.
Works in KDE too. The path is System -> Software Source.
Later Mike
Message: 4 Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2006 10:51:34 -0600 From: Mike Pfaiffer high.res.mike@gmail.com Subject: [RndTbl] Packages in Ubuntu To: roundtable@muug.mb.ca Message-ID: 454A2216.6060004@gmail.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
I was going through the list of packages in the package manager. There is always something I don't want and I can remove (eg. IM clients). I found something interesting... There was a package titled rpm and the description matched what I used to do under Fedora. Has anybody tried it yet? Is it worth installing?
Later Mike
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