Has anyone got any experience using Front ends for configuring/managing nagios? Any recommendations/suggestions? Thanks in advance for the thoughts.
On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 17:34, B.Wolfe obwolfe@shaw.ca wrote:
Has anyone got any experience using Front ends for configuring/managing nagios? Any recommendations/suggestions? Thanks in advance for the thoughts.
I used Groundwork to replace a pre-existing Nagios installation. It's definitely a step up from editing Nagios config files directly, but I certainly wouldn't call it intuitive or even easy to use. It's gone through an entire major revision bump since then, though, so I don't know how much it's improved. I will note that while it greatly simplified many aspects of Nagios configuration, it does add another entire layer of software which ups the overall complexity of the system. And it doesn't particularly like you manually fuding the config files it manages.
Other than that, I moved fairly quickly from Groundwork to Zenoss because I couldn't stand the configuration paradigm underlying Nagios. (Then I found out how complex and confusing Zenoss was, but oh well...)