I still haven't been able to get the video to work since the meeting. I tried all the recommendations. I just don't seem to find anything to convert to the .AMV format. Like I said at the meeting the single M$ application they include doesn't work either. I read somewhere I could patch ffmpeg but I'd rather not risk messing it up. It would be nice if I could install RockBox on it but unfortunately...
The other update is I tried the e-book reader. The manual says all it does is .TXT files. This is reasonable. It's an open format and you can't get much simpler than a bunch of ASCII/UTF-8 formatted bytes strung together. The screen is a little small but that's OK too if I take off my glasses and read it in a lit room.
The request relates to the e-book reader. Someone gave me a whole bunch of books they were finished with. Unfortunately the majority are in .PDF and .LIT format. Is there a conversion utility in Linux or OS X to convert them to a .TXT file? I suppose I could read them on the computer but that would defeat the purpose of the e-book reader.
Considering I bought the device just for the voice recorder, I think it worked out reasonably well finding all these additional capabilities. Now if they'd only work properly... ;-)
Later Mike