There's a program called gramofile that was specifically made for 78s. The programmers advise you to get a particular kind of turntable I could never find. The last time I saw a turntable that could play 78s was at a small company called Columbus Radio Ltd. I think that if you want to do a realy good job you have to buy an audio mixer board, like those Behringer Eurotrack devices at Mother's Music. The cheapest one , the UB502, is $98. I have recorded a couple of 33 rpm tracks, and some audio tape, to hard drive using Linux sox. and software mixer, with the back of the sterio cabled to the sound card. It turned out OK but not good enough to burn to CD. I think getting a hardware mixer would help. It's important to have the correct sterio connector from your source to the sound card. I got mine at Radio Shack ( I'd give you the specs but the its been packed away somewhere ). For a week or two I couldn't get anything to work. The problem was a defective cable! It was gold and brand new. You can't trust anything these days. Good luck!