My Router is a Netgear RP614 and I can successfully ping the address reported by
Netgear's port forwarding screen shows SERVICES as "192.168.0" and nothing for the fourth group of digit(s). I tried to change the SERVICES to read "" to but when I tried to change the services to read "" Netgear pops up a "[JavaScript Application]" box saying "invalid service".
I can ssh into my linuxbox downstairs ( with no problem.
Also on the NetGear Port Forwarding screen: Under the column headed "Service Name" 20-22 is shown, and to the far right is the Server IP address of is shown. reports the address the outside world can use to log into my system and when I ssh to what says I get the ssh message saying "connection refused".
I'm *guessing* that maybe SERVICES should be set to what ipchicken reported instead of a local lan address. Is that a bad guess?
Any clues or suggestions as to what may be wrong?
===== The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good. -Samuel Johnson, lexicographer (1709-1784)