Excuse my ignorance but is there a nice legal way (that doesn't eat my allowance) to obtain RHEL for use in training?
I know CentOS is 'mostly compatible' but the mostly part gives me pause. I need to get up to speed on WebSphere and DB2 whose free/express versions support RHEL specifically. Both products have Window support but I'm not going there. :P
My plan is to stand up VMs to go through the installs and basic admin. I don't have to be an expert or run services on it but I'd like to at least be conversant. :)
On 2011-06-10 16:05, Sean Cody wrote:
Excuse my ignorance but is there a nice legal way (that doesn't eat my allowance) to obtain RHEL for use in training?
Not sure if the academic licenses would cover that, unless you're registered as a student.
I think either CentOS or Scientific Linux would be compatible enough for those purposes. They're supposed to be kernel version and library version compatible.