The following was sent to the MUUG board's attention, and I thought
it might be of interest to those of you working with PHP...
Check out their web site for more details.
Gilbert E. Detillieux E-mail:
Dept. of Computer Science Web:
University of Manitoba Phone: (204)474-8161
Winnipeg, MB, CANADA R3T 2N2 Fax: (204)474-7609
PHP Quebec 2005: the professional free software
PHP Québec is pleased to invite you to its third annual conference.
It will take place March 30th and 31rst, and April 1rst,
at the hotel Crowne Plaza, Montreal, Quebec.
During two days, the conference offers three sessions tracks and a debate :
+ PHP Advanced technics;
+ Profesional PHP, with users cases;
+ MySQL, the Open Source database
+ Apache and ASF's projects
Wednesday is a power session day : Web security, MySQL 5, PHP 5,
web services and PEAR.
A certification Center will provide exams for PHP, MySQL and
other free software. Special prices are available to everyone.
With the participation of
Rasmus Lerdorf (PHP co-inventor), Brian Aker (MySQL AB),
Ken Coar (Apache Software Foundation), Robert Gerin-Lajoie (CIRANO),
Jordi Adame (Gouv. du Mexique), Sebastien Brodeur (C.Fed. Desjardins),
Sylvain Carle, Ilia Alshanetsky, Derick Rethans, John Coggeshall.
The sessions are given in English or French. The organisation provides
you with lunchs and coffee breaks, plus an area to meet speakers and
All information concerning the conference is available on the web site:
schedule, sessions, subscription and fees, and sponsors. or via email at :
Come and take advantage of this unique event!
The PHP Quebec team.