I think Bill was talking about Ruby on Rails at the last MUUG. They've release a new version, 1.2. [quote] We're talking mime types, HTTP status codes, and multiple representations of the same resource serious. And of course there's the international pizzazz of multibyte-safe UTF-8 wrangling.
That's just some of the headliner features. On top of that, there's an absolutely staggering amount of polish being dished out. The CHANGELOG for Action Pack alone contains some two hundred entries. Active Record has another 170-something on top of that.
[/quote] I was also talking to him about a Perl web application framework called Bigtop that I'm considering playing around with: http://www.usegantry.org/ [quote] Bigtop is a code generator which can safely regenerate as thing change (like the data model). The bigtop script reads a Bigtop file to produce apps [/quote]