After a number of complaints (including some from me!) we've changed the default setting for Replies on the (RndTbl) mailing list.
When you replied to a message on the list previously, the default was to send replies only to the original sender, bypassing the mailing list. To reply to the list members at large, you probably would have had to use your email client's Reply-to-All function.
NOW, when you reply to a message on the list, the default will be to send the reply TO THE ENTIRE LIST.
This means the *potential* exists to send embarrassing messages to a much larger audience than intended - so the usual rule applies doubly: if you don't want everyone to see what you're writing, don't put it in an email. And if you do anyway, double-check the To: address before you hit send.
We're all more technically-oriented than the "average user", so I'm hoping there won't be very many (if any) ohnosecond[1] moments.
Thank you,
-Adam Thompson