As one of our topics yesterday, CentOS 8 will be gone in a few months.
I mentioned being willing to migrate to Debian on my virtualization box. Still, as one commenter somewhere said, Red Hat owns the userspace on Linux. Think what you may about that, it is what it is.
If any of you would rather just jump to CentOS Stream - which will be a test bed for the point-releases of RHEL, so less of a "fun ride" than Fedora Server - the process is (taken from
root@centos-linux# dnf install centos-release-stream
root@centos-linux# dnf distro-sync
root@centos-stream# cat /etc/centos-release CentOS Stream release 8
I am in the middle of this as I type this message. Will give feedback later.
Kind regards, Alberto Abrao
They were running when I rebooted. D'oh!
virsh # managedsave-remove VMname
virsh # start VMname
So far so good. Let's see!
Kind regards, Alberto Abrao
On 2020-12-09 9:55 a.m., Alberto Abrao wrote:
All VMs are dead, Jim.
libvirt.libvirtError: operation failed: guest CPU doesn't match specification: missing features: ss
On 2020-12-09 9:33 a.m., Alberto Abrao wrote:
I am in the middle of this as I type this message. Will give feedback later.
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