In light of the recent response by the Australian Open Source community to the SCO issue, talks have been taking place at the Ottawa/Carleton LUG whether the Canadian Open Source community should respond as well. I recently received the following from Dave, at OCLUG:
Over on OCLUG's board-of-directors mailing list, we have been discussing changing the LUG's approach to SCO's nonsense -- see . I'm wondering if other Canadian LUGs might collectively be thinking along the same lines? If so, perhaps our LUGs can cooperate on some sort of action(s) to oppose what the SCO Group are doing. If we need *one* place to meet and discuss this, may I suggest #clue-talk on ?
So, if anyone wants to join us on Freenode, channel #clue-talk and/or join the mailing list here: I'm sure the discussions will be good.
There is also a WIKI page in the works.
Thanks Bill Traynor Canadian Linux Users Exchange