IMPORTANT! The Canadian Linux Users Exchange (CLUE - would like to strongly encourage LUG members across the country to take the time to participate in the following project: This is exactly the kind of project that may help the opensource industry in Canada expand, thereby creating the types of jobs that you/we all long for (if you aren't lucky enough to have an opensource-centric tech job already).
*Open Source Business Opportunities for Canada - A Collaborative Fact Finding Study* Sponsored by Industry Canada, Public Works and Government Services Canada, and the Treasury Board Secretariat, the study will investigate open source business opportunities and challenges for the Canadian information and communications industry sector and what implications there may be in terms of public policy.
Some key project deliverables are: -A review of open source capabilities, supply and demand in Canadian industry, government and academia. This will include a categorized listing of key open source solutions suppliers and support providers in Canada and a scan of recent world trends, including a forecast to 2010. - An assessment of barriers for the open source business model as well as concerns and conditions for acceptance. - An assessment from a business perspective of alternative open source software licenses, from the standpoint of suppliers of software and services, contributors and end-users. - A synthesis of issues, opportunities and constraints for Canadian industry and government decision-makers.
To participate, go to and complete the survey. The survey in French can be found at
For more information see: or in french at
Also, see
Thanks Bill Traynor Canadian Linux Users Exchange