This is a bit off topic but I'm wondering what suggestions people have for old computers that have slight historical significance?
I have, still in good working order (just booted it last weekend), a Victor 9000.
There is a write up on it here:
(side note: On that historical page, some of you might recognize the name Michael Gillespie who used to run a company here in Winnipeg called "Gray Research" in the Grain Exchange building dedicated to writing software for the Victor 9000. But I digress..)
This particular machine holds a special attachment for me because I wrote (with some help from Greg Moeller & Bruce Walzer, also of Grey Research) and operated a BBS on it (the Twilight Zone).
Anyhow, I've finally decided I'd like to get rid of it but I can't stand the thought of just dumping it in a Landfill (assuming they'd even let me do that).
Anyone have any alternative suggestions?