Anybody have a suggestion for improved wireless access. I have MTS Allstream unlimited EVDO access, allegedly.
During business hours their Portage La Prairie tower radiation coverage pattern getd shrunk to provide local city support as a priority over rural areas. This causes rural customers to get switched to old 1X towers whose BW's are worse than dial-up even. Latency just sucks bigtime.
They have made all sorts of promises about HSPA coming; first Sep 1st them Dec 1st now they have managed to drag their butts into Mar 1st, if then.
Data for my merlin x720 card says 3.2 Mbps download and 1.2 Mbps upload yet I have consistently had to open trouble tickets for low speeds, since day 1. Of course with newer inet games and devices being sold now it is even worse. It is so bad it doesn't download speedtests from either or speedtest sites.
I have perused the forums and find comments that Xplorenet appears to be just about as bad for not delivering on BW promises or advertising.
I am not too far from Hwy 13 and Hwy 1 intersection and SkyCable/SkyNet says I am in a black RF hole for their service.
This partnership agreement between MTSAllstream and Rogers is almost turning into an agreement to keep Rogers from turning up their HSPA towers which I understand are allegedly ready to turn on.
Tends to keep the competition at bay.
HSPA is faster but it's still a cellular system - low transfer caps, variable latency since voice/other traffic comes first.
Skyweb sold their 2.5ghz and shut down in .mb at the end of October. Too bad, most of their customers said they had a great network.
The only good options (fixed wireless) in your area are: -I-Netlink (Newton tower) -HighSpeedCrow (Grand, Norquay towers)
If you choose the latter I may be doing your install. Trees aren't too bad near Oakville, you have good chance of getting a signal with the line-of-sight system which is faster (up to ~3mbit residential).
If you do any powerful transmission in the 2 meter or lower bands the ethernet connection between the radio and your router/computer may need to be set to 10mbit to avoid packet loss when you key up.
On 12/26/2010 4:52 PM, VE4PER Andy wrote: