On September 25, 2005 02:15 pm, Adam Thompson wrote this amazing epistle:
Mike Pfaiffer wrote:
I looked at the site Gilles suggested earlier. I was in a bit of a rush (as I am from time to time). They want people to sign up as developers before downloading source code. That's not for me. As a result I found an alternative which was last updated around 2003. It's at http://www.mars.org/home/rob/proj/hfs/ and the package is called hfstools. It compiles and installs really fast. Unfortunately, although I gave it a 100GB partition, it only formatted two GB of it. Apart from that... No complaints. I'll keep hunting for a while. Eventually I might get a Mac (owned by one of my friends) to format the partition for me.
Later Mike
P.S. The Linux and M$ partitions work fine...
I believe you will find that standard HFS only supports up to 2Gb.
I didn't know this for certain. It was one of the possibilities. It certainly explains what I saw.
HFS+ supports larger partitions, and I don't think hfstools will format an HFS+ partition.
Quite right about hfs tools not doing HFS+.
Thanks for the info. The search goes on. The deadline for the articles is Wednesday so the search is going to be slow until then.
Later Mike