Hi folks. Just passing along this message from Doug Hamilton...
Gilbert E. Detillieux E-mail:
Dept. of Computer Science Web:
University of Manitoba Phone: (204)474-8161
Winnipeg MB CANADA R3T 2N2 Fax: (204)474-7609
To: Gilbert Detillieux
From: Doug Hamilton
Subject: Mac OS X Boot Time Keyboard short cuts
Date: Tue, 9 May 2006 23:48:40 -0500
Hi Gilbert,
There was a request by one of the members that I submit to the MUUG
mail-list some of the commonly used Mac OS X keyboard short cuts
which can be used at boot time. Since I'm not a member of the MUUG
mail-list, I thought I could submit them to you, and when you have a
moment you could submit them for me.
1.) Boot into Single User Mode: Apple + S keys
2.) Boot using a bootable CD/DVD already placed into the main
optical drive (includes non Mac OS X disks): Apple + C keys
3.) Eject all removal media of all drives: Mouse Button
4.) List all bootable volumes via built-in boot manager
(this includes bootable Mac OS X network volumes): Alt/Option key
For the keyboard combinations to work, they must be pressed and held
down after the initial boot chime is heard, and must continue to be
held until the desired option appears (e.g. Single User Mode, keep
holding the Apple+S keys until the terminal prompt appears).
It was an very informative evening, the MythTV presentation was very
Doug Hamilton, BA, MA, APP
Senior Computer Consultant
Computers-on-Campus; Univ. of Manitoba
204-474-6196 (Ph.)
204-474-7556 (Fax)