The end result is I want to burn a video DVD I can throw in a console unit. Here is what I've done so far...
I've obtained a sample video file from the net (an AVI I think). I ran a program called videotrans to translate into a VOB file. MPlayer plays them both.
Then I used a package called dvdauthor to take the VOB file and create a directory structure as well as the IFO and BUP files. It turns out I have to change the permissions of everything created by this package to 777 or I get a certain set of errors.
Next I tried both k3b and (I think - this was over a month ago) growisofs separately to see if anything will burn. Apparently there were problems with the Fedora version of the cdrecord package so I updated it from the source. Both programs choke. The messages seem to be related to file names. I tried altering the names to what it said was missing to see if it would help. No joy.
Am I close? If so, what am I missing? Is there a better way of doing this?
Later Mike