Google Chrome has flash built in, so it updates automatically with Chrome's updates, which are also automatic, so nothing to click for the user. Switching browsers requires a lot of reeducation though, as well as compatibility testing for anything that the clients might need.
If the flash objects you're dealing with aren't business oriented then I would uninstall it and tell everyone to suck it up. Flash is clinging to life only because people let it, the more people that deal with giving it up, the quicker it's going to finally die.
-- Wyatt Zacharias
On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 12:07 PM, Adam Thompson wrote:
On 16-02-03 11:37 PM, Robert Dyck wrote:
What is a good replacement for Adobe Flash?
Short answer: there isn't one.
A number of people don't
like the additional software that comes with Flash. Or that Flash requires updates so often. Where I volunteer, a number of people apply updates without looking and don't know where they get all the extra crap.
That's what restricted user accounts are for... why do your general users have admin privileges on the workstations?
I did a Google and found recommendation on Tom's Hardware for
DivX, but the one time I tried it wouldn't play web video. Apparently the website must be formatted for DivX web player, it won't play the same streaming video as Adobe Flash Player. What will play web video, won't crash, won't install adware or other crap, and free?
Use one of a bazillion plugins or websites to download the .FLV file first, then use VLC to play it. If you want embedded in-browser playback, your option consists of... Flash.
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