Mike Pfaiffer wrote:
I'm able to do Linux and M$ partitions successfully on my PC with Fedora 2. I want to see how to do it so I can write an article on it. I'll admit to only a one hour google search today (I was so happy to get ANYTHING working I had to test it as soon as I could). I found a lot of pages referring to Linux on the Mac and a bunch of pages saying they were out of date with the 2.4 kernel. I *should* be able to test the Mac/HFS partition this weekend.
The odd thing is if I had the USB card for my Apple// I could format it there... Unfortunately I've already blown a bunch of money on the new harddrive (on sale at Itech) and USB box.
Later Mike
What I could glean from a quick couple Google searches was that you need to get and build the diskdev_cmds package from Darwin, using a patch to make it compile on Linux (there seems to be some of these floating around on the web). Then you use the newfs or newfs_hfs program from that package.