On 8/27/06, Bill Reid billreid@shaw.ca wrote:
In the process I discovered cacti a replacement for MRTG. If you have struggled with setting up graphs with MRTG you will love this package. You configure everything via a web interface.
It's an amazing package, we use it at Ceridian too. You can share graph templates via XML, there's a wealth of stuff that can be monitored that's up on the Cacti forums, or if you're willing to dig around, make it yourself.
On the topic of MRTG/RRDTool, if anyone's interested in monitoring web application performance with RRDTool I wrote a tutorial on the subject a few months ago: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/edu/dw-esdd-webperfrrd-i.html The idea is to be able to graph various components of web site performance to determine what's to blame (DB, DNS, Internet, etc).